I-Citrus Tea 100G
I-Citrus Tea 100G

I-Citrus Tea 100G

Intengo evamile
R 160.00
Intengo yokuthengisa
R 160.00
Intengo evamile
R 190.00
Intengo yokukodwa
Intela ifakiwe. Ukuthunyelwa kubalwe ekuphumeni.

Uma umama wakho ebuza ukuthi kungani umlethele i-hookah ephathini yakhe yetiye, vele uthi umcabange njengomuntu othanda uFumari. Ugwayi we-Fumari's Citrus Citrus hookah unokunambitheka kwetiye elimnyama elishisayo, elikhanyayo, eliqabulayo elithinta nje ukunambitha okusawolintshi.

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